I once was extremely sick as a small child, and a cat volunteered to
stay with me in bed for a week. He slept on my stomach most of the time,
and I still believe to this day that I recovered much faster because of
his presence. There is no question that the presence of animals is
healing. Many medical studies have shown this. Yet how often is the
presence of another human being in one's life draining? One of the
amazing benefits of tai chi is that it helps one to achieve a presence
that is healing, like one of a (friendly) wild animal.
Tai chi ch'uan is based on the movements of animals, and is a practice that generates an aliveness of the body. That is what makes the practice so special, because it connects us to our biological roots. Animals being the historic source of tai chi's power is obvious if you have ever fought a tai chi master or watched them do the form. The way that the joints and muscles all seem to "melt", and the movements become like water is the same way wild animals are able to move.
I think the emphasis on dogma and elaborate mental constructs that surround tai chi these days are just a reflection of the type of intelligence that our current society values. We value mental intellect but not "biological intellect." Tai chi should not become merely another branch of cerebral entertainment, but should bring people back to their natural state of health and awareness. It is a chance for humans to remember that they are animals of the forest, to identify with their amazing life force rather than purely mental thoughts and ideas.
We are currently destroying jungles and rainforests, for the sake of the progression of our current lifestyle. Meanwhile, we are killing our most ancient teachers. As I have deepened my tai chi practice, I have realized that the power of my movements is connected to the welfare of the entire planet. Recognizing the intelligence of animals and the forests is what created tai chi to begin with. Those who work with animals recognize that they already embody the principles of tai chi. The practice is actually a weapon for the planet, because as it heals human beings, it connects them to the rest of the Earth and increases the likeliness that our society will not destroy the planet.
The rare tai chi practitioner will go to the direct source of their practice (the animals themselves) and see if what their teachers are telling them measures up to how animals move and interact with their world. That practitioner can no longer be fooled by clever words and mystical ideas of humans that are just rehearsing dogma or operating in a programmed way. Working with animals, for me, is the easiest way to stop being manipulated by other human beings, because you know the source of your own energy and creativity. You no longer need another person to tell you if you are behaving "correctly".
Tai chi ch'uan is based on the movements of animals, and is a practice that generates an aliveness of the body. That is what makes the practice so special, because it connects us to our biological roots. Animals being the historic source of tai chi's power is obvious if you have ever fought a tai chi master or watched them do the form. The way that the joints and muscles all seem to "melt", and the movements become like water is the same way wild animals are able to move.
I think the emphasis on dogma and elaborate mental constructs that surround tai chi these days are just a reflection of the type of intelligence that our current society values. We value mental intellect but not "biological intellect." Tai chi should not become merely another branch of cerebral entertainment, but should bring people back to their natural state of health and awareness. It is a chance for humans to remember that they are animals of the forest, to identify with their amazing life force rather than purely mental thoughts and ideas.
We are currently destroying jungles and rainforests, for the sake of the progression of our current lifestyle. Meanwhile, we are killing our most ancient teachers. As I have deepened my tai chi practice, I have realized that the power of my movements is connected to the welfare of the entire planet. Recognizing the intelligence of animals and the forests is what created tai chi to begin with. Those who work with animals recognize that they already embody the principles of tai chi. The practice is actually a weapon for the planet, because as it heals human beings, it connects them to the rest of the Earth and increases the likeliness that our society will not destroy the planet.
The rare tai chi practitioner will go to the direct source of their practice (the animals themselves) and see if what their teachers are telling them measures up to how animals move and interact with their world. That practitioner can no longer be fooled by clever words and mystical ideas of humans that are just rehearsing dogma or operating in a programmed way. Working with animals, for me, is the easiest way to stop being manipulated by other human beings, because you know the source of your own energy and creativity. You no longer need another person to tell you if you are behaving "correctly".