Wednesday, November 13, 2013

On leadership

The most important thing for a leader is to not be overly controlling and manipulative. The core of being a positive leader is to allow all of your followers their full reign of creativity and intelligence. You need to interact with them as living and changing organisms, and not merely view them from a templated abstraction about who they are.  If you only see them objectified through their various labels, such as “followers”, and you try and control them thusly, you will only succeed in snuffing out their fun and vibrancy and exhausting a lot of energy on your part.
There are many leaders, some of them are energetically dead and some are energetically alive. The energetically dead people tend to be aggressive or unbalanced leaders. They control the group from a position of authority that is fueled by a feeling of strength derived from tension. An energetically alive leader uses creativity and natural love to fuel his/her interactions. He/she does not need to hold up a strong ego to do battles for him/her, but simply interacts with everybody head on, completely relaxed.
Consider a tai chi form, which is a long sequence of precise movements. Many people think their way through the form. They guide their arms and legs into position through their ideas, concepts and principles they have mentally scribed as Law for their actions. This is a poor leadership of the body, because the body parts remain dead and tense while the mind simply guides them into the correct mold. The good practitioner knows not to interfere with or manipulate his/her body’s movements. The intelligence of the body has been strengthened through the practice of tai chi and each body part “knows” what to do on its own. The mind continues to analyze, but this analyzation no longer interferes with the aliveness of the body. This is a good leadership of the mind, because it fulfills its role but maintains respect for the conscious freedom of each of its “subjects.”

Consider how a snake moves its body. Its consciousness is distributed throughout its body, so that every body part can effortlessly move in coordination with every other part. This gives the animal incredible vibrancy. While a leader must be good at guiding his group pragmatically, safely and strategically, they must also have a vibrancy of aliveness so that a knowledgeable and clever mind does not overshadow his/her direct experience of his “possy”. Thus, the integration of this tai chi  ch’uan principle can directly improve the internal balance of a leader- enhancing his leadership skills and his ability to comfortably connect to his crew. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gnostic dimensions and Taoist Principles

Just an idea of how Taoist principles and Christian mythology can be integrated to create healing: 

I used to have a teacher that would tell me to go to Hell when I would try and be clever. It took me a while (and an excellent tai chi teacher) to get the reference: he was talking about Gnostic hell. Hellfire: the agony that cleanses one of the sinful, mortal physical world. This can also be considered moving into the dimension of all of the "Dead" parts of oneself that are ignored. It is common to want to live life comfortably, in a fluid and functioning mode. So, people abide by all of their knowledge and use it as a template for interaction. This is denying God, because God, in Gnostic terms and Taoist principles, is beyond knowledge and beyond reason. So, if people live a life purely rationally, pragmatically, linearly, controlled, collected, analytically, scientifically etc. then they are denying God. They must, in order to be cleansed, "go to Hell." The hellfire burns away the illusions of knowledge and fact and strips away the power of reason to control attention. This is not a pleasant process. However, it is a necessary step in order to eventually reach "Heaven" which is the world of being connected to God. So, Hell is being stripped of reason, Heaven is living consciously within the Kingdom of God. As one generates aliveness in the dead parts of themselves, in Hell, they are simultaneously increasing their connection to God in the Heaven Realm. Justice can only be done to the realm of reason (knowledge- the mundane plane) when it can be viewed for what it is from the non-local dimension of Heaven. With the two simultaneously existing in different dimensions of "reality" they interact and manifest powerful and healing creative action.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Before you begin to preach, understand that your cleverness and beliefs on the level of mental concept and ideas only contribute to the strength of that level. It may give you social power, the ability to convince, to manipulate, to control. Yet this kind of strengthening denies and usurps all of the rest of you- all of the parts of you that are not oriented towards thinking and goal-making, winning, attacking. You are not one specific thing. When you act, be absolutely sure that your actions are healing actions that are a result of all of the parts of you experiencing life and relating to each other. This distributed attention to all of the parts of yourself allows the proper action to emerge as a result of your internal balancing. Being clever is not the same as being Alive. You might not become a millionaire politian living life in this way, but you begin to heal yourself and others through all of the modalities in which you interact with people. This is the secret of alchemy, you turn every action, every experience of life into "gold."