Sunday, June 29, 2014

A tai chi exercise with bugs

Doing tai chi efficiently means having to perceive the most subtle of changes in one's environment. During push hands, sparring and real combat situations it is essential to always be aware of what is going on in the environment, so that you can place yourself in the most advantageous position. An exercise that strengthens the awareness of what is going on is to sit outside on warm nights and wait for bugs to start flying around you. Keep your head stationary, and every time a bug flies within your vision watch its every movement. While the bug stays within your vision watch all of its movements and do not lose track of it. You may notice that as you watch the bug your awareness of the rest of your environment dims- counter this by relaxing your body as much as possible and keeping your vision "wide". By doing so you will see your whole environment and not miss out on the bug's movements. When you are able to see all of the bugs movements try watching the movements of two bugs, than three. Let the bugs go as they move out of your vision and focus on two (or three) new bugs. If you begin with one bug and over time can see three bugs moving at the same time and feel what they are doing in the space around you, you have greatly strengthened your attention. This is helpful in many aspects of life.

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