Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dear God, I hope you get IT

"This is IT. I have IT!" Cries the man in wonder as, for the first time, he feels the stirring of something new and beautiful. He writes IT down and calls it God and teaches people God, forgetting that God is merely an abstraction of IT. But IT cannot be spoken, so God is used instead, and people think that IT is "God." God is convoluted, misinterpreted and manipulated to serve the purposes of each person in their ever-persistent personal agenda. God becomes the dictator of thought, and the programming of God becomes everyone's reality. Then people try and rebel against the cruel, unjust reality and create a better version, but their identities are all tangled up in "God" now, so everything they create is still warped and convoluted and manipulative, etc. 

IT has no room in the house of God, because the house of God is too small and crammed up for IT. If IT becomes the house of God, than God becomes a functioning tool to serve IT. If God is IT, than one must be careful not to get caught up in words, ideas, beliefs and forget that- while IT is god- IT is NOT God. 

Dear God, I hope you get IT

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