Saturday, October 12, 2013

Every Experience Lived is a Drug: summary and excerpt

Every Experience Lived is a Drug
Primordial medicine for unbridling the ageless dance of Spirit
By Stefan Trilling
Summary: Trilling shares how we can change our relationship to the world around us to live life powerfully and with a heart full of wonder. This book offers insights into various modalities of healing, ancient secrets of restoring and revitalizing connections to the world around oneself, and how to replace one’s unhealthy addictions with reawakened creativity. At the end of the book, Trilling offers detailed instructions on how to preform sacred psychedelic ceremonies (with or without the use of a drug) as a modality for reconnecting to the earth and to one’s True Home.
Every action in life is a psychedelic drug. When we consume food, we are taking in a certain energy that affects the overall relationship of all of our body’s structures. If we eat junk food, we drain the cells of our energy and release neurotransmitters that depress or hyper-wire the somatic nervous system. If we eat food that balances our body, our physical and psychological health profit. The very air we breathe in every moment and the quality of our breathing greatly effects the way the nerve impulses in our body operate.

There is no action or non-action that occurs that does not change who we are. As life continues, the particles of our beings are interacting in quadrillions of different complex ways, continually altering the physical world. To live from the perspective of this ever-changing continuality, and not merely from the ideas of the mind, is living in Real Time. Non-real time is made up. The numbers of a clock are a mere human abstraction. Yet, we live our psychological lives within this abstraction. We predict plan and strategize our way through life, and all of this is based on our idea of time. We live this world in a linear, mechanical and predictable mode of time. Our psyches reflect that, because we abstract the world around us in the same way that we abstract time. The practice of seeing things in Real Time allows for us to maintain our presence in our lives, because we are directly experiencing the flow of events as they occur. We are not locked up in ideas about the past and the future, because we are concerned with Real Time, what is occurring within this moment. It is living within the relationships occurring in every moment of our experience that creates the beneficial, mind-expanding effects of the Drug of Life.

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