The true feeling of fear also allows for an experience of all of the other parts of one's self. It is when the emotions all are allowed to "sit" within consciousness uninhibited and uncontrolled. Fear, joy, sorrow- none are greater than the rest and all are allowed to rise and fall. The wholeness of one's being allows them to move unrestricted. It is the explanations for fear that our culture has developed that trap fear into thought, and our explained world is generated from this misuse of fear. If one allows the emotion of fear to be integrated into one's whole experience, then one stops using fear as a generator for functionality. This creates a drastic change in an individual. The individual must find a different source of energy than his enslaved fear in order to function. The individual at this point needs to rediscover the intelligence of his/her child-self, so as not to continue to mis-use fear.
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