Friday, October 11, 2013

Please help the Earth.

I think that what drives a teacher to inspire his class and a therapist to heal their clients is that they are invested in creating an optimal environment around them. Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where every person was vibrant and un-manipulated, not weighed down by all of their hurt and poisonous obsessions? The only way to create this kind of a world is to re-create ourselves and live our dreams, and very quickly! We do not have time as a culture to continue to sustain this mode-of-living for much longer. The issue is purely psychological. We have the cumulative resources to create a world where our technology is not destructive to the planet, but there is too much political and monetary greed in the system to create such a change. Help the world, not only through whatever lifestyle you choose for yourself (off-grid living, investing in forests and solar companies, etc.) but by nourishing yourself. Yoga, meditation, walking in the forest, qi gong. And most importantly, psychologically become free of your habits and liberate yourself so that you can begin to heal the world on an energetic level.

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